Sentidos e discursos dos jornais nordestinos sobre o MST


  • Manoel dos Santos


This work points the antagonistic voices in the heterogeneous periodical speech northeasterns, such as: “Jornal do Commercio, O Povo, O Norte, Gazeta de Alagoas, Gazeta de Sergipe, Correioda Bahia, O Estado do Maranhão, Jornal Meio Norte e Diário Meio Norte”. Our main objective is to understand the effect of the discursive heterogeneity of these periodicals. We try to prove the hypothesis supported is that the legitimating and illegitimating senses regarding the “Sem-Terra” (Landless), result of the heterogeneity of the voices, is the basis to produce effects of monophonic senses on the Sem-Terra. For in such a way, we use as referencial theoretician-metodológico the Analysis of Speech, under the perspective of Pêcheux, Mikhail Bakhtin and the enunciative studies of Authier-Revuz on heterogeneity, to understand speech-other in the wire of the speeches. The contribution of some scholars of the speech, as Orlandi and Indursky, among others theoreticians of the journalism the example of Bourdieu and Berger. To develop this study, we follow the given covering the some land occupations, made for the MST, during the “abril vermelho”, of 2004.

