A globalização da exclusão social por meio da fotografia


  • Renato Fiorin UEL
  • Paulo César Boni UEL


The present paper investigates the use of social exclusion photography as a way of commotion made by the élite for the élite. It finds out that contemplating them does not result in any full consciousness or end up in any action to revert misery, because appreciating them has to do with the image aesthetic character and the photography as a referrer of itself. The underdeveloped world is faced as a dream world that lays far away and does not have a possibility of change. To exemplify the situation, it is brought the picture – and the case - of the Afegan Girl, published by National Geographic in one of its magazine covers in 1985. This study is located in the crossing of Geopolitics, Communication Theory, History and Photography. Global Era and the great profusion of images offer a context in which many cultures touch each other at the same pace as the social inequities grow.





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