Mídia: fonte e palanque do pensamento de Gilberto Freyre


  • Edson Fernando Dalmonte FSBA


Study about the relation between Gilberto Freyre (1900 – 1987) and the media universe. It brings into context his way of thinking formation and to identify the theoretical streams that influence him, especially New History. Having studied in the United States from 1918 to 1922, Freyre got in contact with a much active journalism, an Industrial Revolution result. When he returns to Brazil, he modifies journalistic praxis in Recife by adopting a more precise and objective language. This paper’s hypotheses refer to Freire´s use of media as: 1) a podium to his ideas as an active journalist, 2) as his researches’ sources, such as news, ads and pictures. Freyre’s way of using media as a cathedra takes bigger proportion when, in 1934, the newspaper Diario de Pernambuco becomes one of the newspaper belonging to Assis Chateubriand´s Diario Associados Co. From then on, Freyre´s ideas diffuse via a national chain. The demonstrations of those hypotheses were made through reference research, firsthand documents, especially the ones kept by Fundacao Joaquim Nabuco and Fundacao Gilberto Freyre, as well as semi-structures interviews.

Author Biography

Edson Fernando Dalmonte, FSBA

possui graduação em Comunicação Social Jornalismo pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (2000) e mestrado em Comunicação Social pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (2002) . Atualmente é Coordenador do Curso de Jornalismo da Faculdade Social da Bahia. Atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Análise do dicurso, Contrato de comunicação, Jornalismo, Teoria da comunicação.

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.

