The narrate and the Other: a reflection about the alterity in the construction of journalistic narratives


  • Dayane do Carmo Barretos Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais



The relationship between the subjects in the process of constituting journalistic narratives is our great concern in this work. To discuss this issue, we propose a problematization based on reflections that comprise narrating as an action and narratives as relevant to processes, times and experiences lived between subjects and also in the social context. The other always appears on the prowl, in a logic proper to the relationship between the self and the other, of which subjectivities are an important constituent part. It is with the other that the encounters and tensions, the sharing and the confrontation that are invariably present in the journalistic practice, in the investigation, in the writing and also in the very exercise of the mediating role that the narrative plays, occur. Thus, by way of otherness, we believe it is possible to promote an important reflection on the act of narrating within the scope of journalistic activity, enabling an expanded look at the issues that concern the subjects.

Author Biography

Dayane do Carmo Barretos, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Doutoranda em Comunicação da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.


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