The impacts of disinformation about Covid-19 on the productive routines of telejournalism




Telejournalism, Productive routines, Desinformation


The article aims to seek to understand how the existing disinformation in the pandemic context has been affecting the productive routines of journalists from TV Paraíba - an affiliate of Rede Globo in Campina Grande/PB. To carry out this analysis, we bring essential studies on disinformation (WARDLE, 2017) and post-truth (D'Ancona, 2018), in addition to taking as a guideline scholars such as Wolf (1999) and Vizeu (1999). The methodology was the Case Study, through semi-structured interviews with a qualitative approach. It was found that, in the clipping adopted in this work, the level of tension between journalists grew in view of the responsibility and need for an even more cautious investigation of the facts in an even more restricted time in the face of the urgency and perishability of data related to the pandemic. In addition, it was found that the professional journalist strengthens his pedagogical role before the population, since these professionals are one of those responsible for denying the misleading information that is circulating in society.

Author Biographies

Rillary Gomes Martins, Federal University of Paraiba

Journalist. Master's student at the Graduate Program in Journalism at the Federal University of Paraíba (PPJ/UFPB).

Mateus Bezerra Araújo, Federal University of Paraiba

Journalist. Master's student at the Graduate Program in Journalism at the Federal University of Paraíba (PPJ/UFPB).

Alfredo Eurico Vizeu Pereira Júnior, Federal University of Paraiba

Professor at the PPJ - Postgraduate Program in Journalism at the Federal University of Paraíba (PPJ/UFPB).


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