The production of the news and the emergence of the event in the mediatized circulation




Journalism, Fact, Narrative


We analyzed how the journalism of Argentine television channels C5N, LN+ and TN introduced the Cocaine Case of Puerta 8 into the media circulation. We articulate two axes: the indicial - which involves an object and affects a subject in an action expressed in the journalistic lead - and that of the sense or symbolic - which relates concepts and strategies. Taking events as differences that erupt in ordinary life and have a double life: as fact and as narrative (QUÉRÉ, 2006/5, 2011), we assume that journalism apprehends these events in their singularity (GENRO FILHO, 1987)performing reconnaissance and production operations (VERÓN, 1987, 2004) that result in the news. Our analysis shows that the three news programs operate in a similar way, taking the case in its singularity and, simultaneously, framing it in a context of meanings in such a way that, while in the discours, they refer to the event in its indiciality as information (who, what, when and where) also conform their senses, as narrative, introducing it into the mediatized circulation.

Author Biography

Ricardo Zimmermann Fiegenbaum, Federal University of Pelotas

Doctor and Master in Communication Sciences from Unisinos (2010/2006). Graduated in Social Communication - Qualification Journalism from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (1994) and Bachelor of Theology (free course) from the Superior School of Theology (1991). Philosophy student at the University of Southern Santa Catarina. Postdoctoral student in Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires (2022). Professor of the Bachelor of Journalism at the Federal University of Pelotas.


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