Latin American Digital Care Networks and the Production of Ethical-Feminist Narratives
Digital care, Online violence, Feminist ethicsAbstract
With the aim of presenting two Latin American networks linked to digital care practices, this article proposes an analysis from the perspective of feminist ethics using an ethnographic methodological approach with Ciberseguras (representing Latin American countries) and MariaLab (Brazil). As the main results, the research identifies communication strategies developed by the collectives centered on the production of narratives, which can be represented and named in the following actions: socialization of information between women and sexual diversities; production of autonomous technological networks between feminists; and reduction of the impact of violence on the internet against women and vulnerable communities. With this, they elaborate meanings of digital care and self-care linked to notions of community, welcoming, preservation of evidence, women's technological autonomy, accessible sharing of information content, and knowledge production.
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