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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I declare that we participated in the work project, in part or in full.
  • I declare that I have registrations with funding agencies, permits or financing agreements and institutional support, when it comes to research and development of manuscripts and that I may be interested in the publication of this article.
  • I declare that the text is original.
  • The work certificate, in whole or in part, or any other work with content substantially similar to my authorship, was not sent to another magazine nor will it be while its publication is under consideration by Katálysis Magazine.
  • The Word text editor was used, following a configuration: Arial font size 12, A4 size paper, 1.5 cm interline spacing, all margins 2.5 cm. Manuscripts, such as tables and graphs, that use non-editable files such as PDF will be returned.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements applicable in Guides for Authors, in the About the Journal section.
  • The manuscript is rigorously revised, according to current grammatical standards.
  • The manuscript followed the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) or the American Psychological Association (APA).
  • All Internet page addresses (URLs), included in the text (Ex: Http:// are active and ready to click.
  • The identification of authorship is not found anywhere in the body of the work, which has been replaced by “Author” in the body of the text, in the references and footnotes, instead of the names of the authors, article title, etc; that the author's identification has been removed from the document properties, preventing the form or criteria of subscription to the Peer Review Journal.
  • I declare that the science that during an edition or manuscript will be adapted to the editorial project and format of Revista Katálysis.
  • I declare that I know that the copyright of the articles published in this magazine belongs to the author, being the rights of the first publication of a magazine. Katálysis Magazine adopts the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Author Guidelines

1 - Papers submitted for publication must be unpublished, and their simultaneous presentation to another journal, both of the text, figures and tables, is not allowed.

2 - The Katálysis Magazine, in each issue, prioritizes the publication of scientific research articles and / or essays relevant to the thematic area;

3 - Authorship assigns credit and implies responsibility for the published content. Thus, the opinions and concepts issued in the manuscripts, as well as the accuracy, adequacy and origin of the citations and references, are the sole responsibility of the authorship, not necessarily reflecting the position of the Editorial Committee.

4 - Revista Katálysis does not publish works of the same authorship or co-authorship within an interval of less than 24 months.

5 - Revista Katálysis publishes works in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

6 - Revista Katálysis does not remunerate authors who have their work published in it.

7 - Revista Katálysis translates the editorial, the summary of all articles into English and, at the discretion of the Editorial Committee, does the complete translation of two articles.

8 - The only tool available for submitting articles and other manuscripts is through the Portal of Periodicals, to do so, simply access the Journal's website: and click on register (for new author on the platform) or access (if you have registered in any of the Portal's magazines).

9 - The submission of papers to the Journal will imply acceptance by the authorship of the rules expressed here.

Section policies and nature of manuscripts Research and Publication

Ethics Policies

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Presentation of works

1 - Microsoft Word should be used with the following configuration: Times New Roman font size 12, A4 size paper, 1.5 lines interlinear space, all margins with 2.5 cm.

2 - Size, title, abstract and keywords in the language of the respective manuscript. • Titles can have a maximum of 12 words; • The abstract, in third person, must be informative, with about 150 words, and must present, with clarity and synthesis, objective, methodology, structure and relevant results of the work; • Keywords: three to five really descriptive of the focus of the work separated by point; • Manuscripts with a maximum of 15 pages.

3 - The body of the manuscripts to be sent must contain items that correspond to the introduction, development and conclusion. The introduction item must contain the presentation of the manuscript and brief questioning of the theme / object. As well as the justification of the theme, the reason for the choice, the objectives of the manuscript and methodology, the theoretical outline and delimitations, the theoretical-methodological perspective chosen and, finally, to say how the work is structured and is presented. We remember that the introduction and final considerations use the minimum of citations (rarely used), as this is essentially a space for the author's own construction and elaboration.

4 - Tables, charts and formulas must be presented in editable text in Word.

5 - Figures, tables and photos very clear, in high definition, only in black and white, must contain credits and captions. If the illustrations sent have already been published, mention the source.

6 - The works must be submitted rigorously revised, according to the grammatical norms in force.

7 - The works must follow the criteria of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), when in Portuguese, or the American Psychological Association (APA) when in Spanish and English. During the edition, they will be adapted to the Katálysis Magazine project and editorial format.

8 - The identification of authorship must not appear in any part of the body of the work, thus guaranteeing the journal's secrecy criteria for peer review.

9 - The authorship must certify that it participated in the conception of the work, in part or in full, that it did not omit any links or financing agreements between the authors and institutions that may be interested in the publication of this article. It must also certify that the text is original and that the work, in part or in full, or any other work with substantially similar content, of its authorship, has not been sent to another journal and will not be sent while its publication is being considered. by Katálysis Magazine.

10 - In the case of research resulting from public or private funding, this must be mentioned at the end of the work, indicating the full name (in full) of the funding agency, project number or protocol and period of execution.

11 - Before sending the manuscript for evaluation, confirm that all authors are properly registered in the Revista with the following information: Full name without abbreviations, and -mail, highest title and institution you obtained, name of the work institution in full and address of this institution. References (for works in Portuguese)

1 - Citations, according to NBR 10520 of August 2002, which, for Revista Katálysis, was systematized as follows:

• Citations must be indicated in the text by the so-called author-data system;

• Quotation of up to three lines: inside the body of the text, in quotation marks, the same font as the text;

• Quotation of more than three lines: outside the body of the text, font 11, indented to the line of the paragraph, without quotation marks (or any other highlight), simple interlinear spacing, right margin equal to that of the text;

• Name of the author of the work for the above cases: a) in the body of the text (normal spelling for proper names). Example: According to Mota (1997, p. 87), “Academic knowledge [...]”; b) in parentheses, in capital letters. Example: “Academic knowledge [...]” (MOTA, 1997, p. 87).

2 - References, according to NBR 6023 of November 2018, in the author-date system (only the documents effectively cited in the work). For the purposes of systematizing the Journal, use only italics as a typographic resource. Reference Examples Books (complete work)

GOMES, A. C .; VECHI, C. A. Romantic statics: commented doctrinal texts. São Paulo: Atlas, 1992. Chapter (volume, fragment and other parts of a work with its own author)

SANTOS, F. R. The colonization of the land of Tucujús. In: SANTOS, F. R. History of Amapá, 1st degree. 2. ed. Macapá: Valcan, 1994. p. 15-24. Legislation (electronic means)

BRAZIL. [Constitution (1988)]. Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1988. Brasília, DF: Presidency of the Republic, [2016]. Available at: Accessed on: 1 jan. 2017. Periodicals - Magazines

NOGUEIRA, V. R. Outside the law. Revista Katálysis, Florianópolis, v. 7, n. 2, p. 122-135, Jul./Dec. 2003. Newspapers

OTTA, Lu Aiko. Treasury share in BNDES loans grows 566% in eight years. The State of S. Paulo, São Paulo, year 131, n. 42656, Aug 1. 2010. Economy & Business, p. B1. By title and electronically Tax ARRANGEMENT. Diário do Nordeste Online, Fortaleza, 27 nov. 1998. Available at: Accessed on: 25 ago. 1998. Event

SOUZA, L. et al. Incorporation of time in object-oriented DBMS. In: BRAZILIAN DATABASE SYMPOSIUM, 9., 1994, São Paulo. Annals [...]. São Paulo: USP, 1994. p. 3-4. All Internet page addresses (URLs), included in the text (Ex .: must be active and ready to click.


Corresponds to an original and unpublished scientific work, containing a critical review or result of research of an empirical or theoretical nature, written in Portuguese, Spanish or English. Contributions are made to disseminate results of research credits with broader themes, which discuss issues, analysis of hypotheses and questions about current paradigms.

Experiential Report

It presents a study, report or case description with analysis of conceptual implications, description of procedures or intervention strategies, proven methodological methodology.


Invited discussion relating to a specific article or issue of the journal.

Book review

Presentation and criticism of a book guiding or reading about its characteristics and uses used; consisting of a commented summary, with opinions that can give an overview of the work.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this Journal will be used exclusively for publishing and publishing services, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.