Latin America in the Twentieth Century: revolutions, muralism, imperialism, and dependency


  • Roberta Sperandio Traspadini Federal University of Latin American Integration, Interdisciplinary Center for Integration and International Relations, International Relations and Integration Course, PR, Brazil.


This article presents elements for understanding past and present Mexican mural art as an integral part of twentieth-century Latin American and Caribbean critical thinking, and the impact of its contributions to political actors from various areas throughout the class struggle of the 21st-century. A bibliographical historical-critical review of both muralism and the Marxist theory of dependency was conducted. The study brings into dialogue two insights: the engaged political art of Mexican muralism and revolutionary militant praxis of the theory of dependency. The debate of muralist political art from the Mexican school is perceived as a fertile reference of Latin American Marxism, based on the centrality that this art gave to the history of resistance and revolutions as counterpoints to hegemonic history in the colonial invasion and throughout the following period. The guiding question of this discussion is: What does Mexican muralism have to teach us in the 21st century?

Author Biography

Roberta Sperandio Traspadini, Federal University of Latin American Integration, Interdisciplinary Center for Integration and International Relations, International Relations and Integration Course, PR, Brazil.

He holds a degree in economics from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (1995), a master's degree in economics from the Federal University of Uberlândia (1998) and a doctorate in education from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2016).
She is currently Adjunct Professor II, in the 40h D.E .. regime. Permanent professor at the Master in International Relations - UNILA and collaborating professor of the Postgraduate Program in Social Work at UFSC.
Has experience in the area: Latin American Social Thinking; Criticism of political economy; Popular education and social movements in Latin America. Coordinates: Observatory of Popular Education and Social Movements in Latin America (OBEPAL-UFES) and Knowledge in Movement: a meeting between Ruy Mauro Marini, Paulo Freire and Augusto Boal in the struggle for land and work in Brazil (UNILA).
She is currently in technical cooperation at the Department of Social Sciences at UFES.
With OBEPAL has just received the Maria Filina Extension Merit Award at the VII Integrated Day of Extension and Culture of Ufes, 2019


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