Conservatism as a capitalist instrument in times of barbarism


  • Segislane Moésia Pereira da Silva Master’s degree in Human Rights, Citizenship and Public Policy from the Federal University of Paraíba. Bachelor of Social Work from the Federal University of Campina Grande.
  • Marlene Helena de Oliveira França Prof. Adjunct of the Department of Pedagogical Qualification/CE/UFPB. Profa. of PPGDH and deputy coordinator of the Citizenship and Human Rights Nucleus of UFPB. Coordinator of the Research Project/Cnpq: "A Study on Female Crime and Prison: The Interface with Gender Violence". Evaluator of INEP/MEC (Law and Social Work Course)
  • Valnise Verás Maciel Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFP



The discussions presented in this article seek to offer critical notes for the debate on the particularities of social barbarism in our current situation. The main objective of the study has a background set on the implications socially caused with the implantation of capitalism in the search for the maintenance of the current hegemonic order. The present work is composed by a qualitative bibliographic research. The structure of the article is based on a brief analysis of capitalism, then we approach conservatism as an instrument of the capital and, finally, we present some of its expressions in contemporary times. The study made it possible to point out that this phenomenon builds true social barbarism, understood as a naturalization of the expressions of the social issue, contempt for immigrants, suppression of rights, antagonism towards human rights, discrimination of race, gender, religion and sexuality, among others, configuring a real trivialization of human life.

Author Biographies

Segislane Moésia Pereira da Silva, Master’s degree in Human Rights, Citizenship and Public Policy from the Federal University of Paraíba. Bachelor of Social Work from the Federal University of Campina Grande.

Mestranda em Direitos Humanos, Cidadania e Políticas Públicas pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Bacharel em Serviço Social pela Universidade Federal de Campina Grande.

Marlene Helena de Oliveira França, Prof. Adjunct of the Department of Pedagogical Qualification/CE/UFPB. Profa. of PPGDH and deputy coordinator of the Citizenship and Human Rights Nucleus of UFPB. Coordinator of the Research Project/Cnpq: "A Study on Female Crime and Prison: The Interface with Gender Violence". Evaluator of INEP/MEC (Law and Social Work Course)

Profa. Adjunta do Departamento de Habilitação Pedagógica/CE/UFPB. Profa. do PPGDH e vice-coordenadora do Núcleo de Cidadania e Direitos Humanos da UFPB. Coordenadora do Projeto de Pesquisa/CNPq: "Um Estudo Sobre Criminalidade Feminina e Prisão: A Interface com a Violência de Gênero". Avaliadora do INEP/MEC (Curso de Direito e Serviço Social).

Valnise Verás Maciel, Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFP

Master’s degree in Human Rights, Citizenship and Public Policies at the Federal University of Paraíba. Graduated in Law from the Associação Paraibana de Ensino Renovado- ASPER.


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