Law and ethics as capitalist social forms: theoretical delimitation and practical complementarity



This article offers a marxist approach on law and ethics based on the category of social forms and inspired by Evgeny Pashukanis’ contributions. By considering modern subjectivity as the core of legal and ethic forms, and by taking kantian thinking as a reference on the matter (such as Pashukanis did), it is possible to see how these historical categories are continuosly delimited by legal theory and somehow insistently connected to legal practice, at least according to the most influent jurists, both positivists and post-positivists, each one in his own way. This perception strenghtens pashukanian argumentation on the differences between legal form and ethical form despite the social and practical complementarity that they present in legal subject’s dynamics, whic is the modern abstract individual from capitalism.

Author Biography

Pablo Biondi, Faculdade de Direito de São Bernardo do Campo, Department of Basic Disciplines, São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil

He holds a degree in Law from the University of São Paulo (2009), a master’s degree in Law from the University of São Paulo (2012) and a doctorate in Law from the University of São Paulo (2015). Professor of "Philosophy of Law" at the Faculty of Law of São Bernardo do Campo. He completed postdoctoral research at the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo (2019). He is currently a member of the research groups "Human Rights, Labour Centrality and Marxism" and "Class Freedom and Trade Union Freedom", both from the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo. He was a member of the translation team of the work "The legalization of the working class" (Boitempo) and of the technical review team of the work "The general theory of law and Marxism and Essays chosen (1921-1929)" (Sundermann). He mainly works on the following themes: Marxism and human rights, criticism of law, philosophy of law, ethics and theories of justice. He also works as a human rights lawyer.


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