Rights and social security in neoliberal times: feminist contradictions and challenges





The policies of neoliberal adjustments in Brazil advance on Social Security because they have an assumption: the exploitation of time, bodies and work of women of the lower classes. From this understanding, this article aims to reflect on the feminist challenges regarding the direction of the struggles around of the Social Protection for women in a context where neoliberal policies and the dismantling of Social Security are intensifying. From the extensive literature review and analysis in doctoral documents, which dealt with the contradictions surrounding the achievement of retirement for low-income housewives in PT governments, it is argued that feminist struggles for rights cannot do without. an analytical understanding of the structural and conjunctural mechanisms that imprison, discriminate, exploit and oppress women, including: the sexual division of labor.

Author Biography

Laudicena Barreto, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Departamento de Serviço Social, Recife, PE, Brasil

Social Worker, Assistant Professor A (Exclusive Dedication) of the Department of Social Service of UFPE since 2013. Phd and Master in Social Work by the Graduate Program in Social Work - UFPE. Specialist in Public Policy and Management of Social Services by UFPE and Human Rights by UCB. Work, research and studies in the area of State, Social Security, Social Protection, Human Rights and Gender.


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