The carnation revolution and workers' control




In this article we argue that the fundamental feature of the 1974/75 Portuguese revolution is the sociological struggle of social classes within companies and, above all, in large industrial units. We argue, in the context of a literature review, that this dispute should be defined as workers' control, distinguishing it from its opposite - production control, that is, state-national control - or from forms of co-management or self-management, which often appear mixed.

Author Biographies

Raquel Cardeira Varela, Institute of Contemporary History, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (IHC-FCSH/NOVA).

Historian and researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History of the New University of Lisbon, where she coordinates the Working and Social Conflict Studies Group and researcher at the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam. She is coordinator of the project History of Labor Relations in the Portuguese World. She has a Phd in Political and Institutional History (ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute). He is the President of the International Association Strikes and Social Conflicts. She is the coordinator of the Labour Studies Network, the Labour Movement and the Social Movements in Portugal.

Jorge Fontes, Institute of Contemporary History, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (IHC-FCSH/NOVA).

Phd in History, Universidade Nova de Lisboa/Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas. He wrote the book "Setenave: revolução, nacionalização, privatião" (Parsifal, 2018). Researcher integrated in the Institute of Contemporary History. Participates in the project "Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Workers: a global Labour history (1950-2010)", organized by the International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam). It has several publications and communications, especially in the areas of Global Labour History, the naval industry and the labor movement.


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