Restructuring capital and labor: critical notes about solidarity economics


  • Daniela Neves de Sousa UFRJ - Rio de Janeiro - RJ



This study presents a critical analysis of ‘solidarity economics’, regarding both its theoretical foundations as well as its practical implementation. The article has two focuses: the first explains the historic and theoretical foundations of solidarity economics located in modern socialism. This understanding, however, does not lead to the affirmation, as many have made, that solidarity economics is the contemporary road to socialism. Second, the paper maintains that the construction and propagation of this false consciousness is not based on deep changes in the capitalist mode of production. To the contrary, the renovation of this system is recognized. The analyses consider the work in this field of activist and scholar Paul Singer, who currently sets the tone of the debate concerning this issue in Brazil.

Author Biography

Daniela Neves de Sousa, UFRJ - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Atualmente é Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social da UFRJ. Tem experiência na área de Serviço Social, com interface com a sociologia do trabalho, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Trabalho, Cooperativismo e Economia Solidária.

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.

