Experiences in solidarity economics and its multiple meanings


  • Alicia Ferreira Gonçalves UFC - Fortaleza - CE


This article presents ethnographic reports of experiences in economic solidarity in Ceará State. The reports of these experiences were revealed by means of participant observation, through analysis of official documents supplied by entities, qualitative interviews, that used questionnaires and informal conversations conducted with various actors in the field of solidarity economics in Ceará during the three years of ethnographic research. The article maintains that concepts such as solidarity economics, solidarity and reciprocity assume multiple meanings in the contemporary experiences of the agents linked to the field of solidarity economics in Ceará State1. The ethnographies reveal that each agent activates in his reports the concepts of solidarity economics, solidarity and reciprocity, in a way that gives them new meanings according to strategic interests, specific situations and values linked to particular traditions to which they are linked, articulating, therefore, two dimensions: structure and process.

Author Biography

Alicia Ferreira Gonçalves, UFC - Fortaleza - CE

Alícia Ferreira Gonçalves concluiu o doutorado em Ciências Sociais pela UNICAMP em 2004, na área de Antropologia, "Itinerários Intelectuais e Etnografia dos saberes". Foi Pesquisador DCR do CNPq na UFC e atualmente está atuando como Professora Visitante do Mestrado Profissional de Avaliação de Políticas Públicas (MAPP) e professora colaboradora do Mestrado em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente (PRODEMA) da UFC.

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.

