The lead of civil society in CEAS/SC: perspectives and challenges in the consolidation of public politics of Social Assistance


  • Simone Cristina Vieira Machado


This article presents, the description and analysis of an experience during the practice of a curricular stage in the Social Assistance Council in Santa Catarina – CEAS/SC, from July/1996 until December/ 1997, systematized then in the conclusion work of social work service university course: The lead of civil society in CEAS/SC: Perspectives and Challenges in the consolidation of Public Politics of Social Assistance. The first part presents the setting mentioned when we talk about Public Politics of Social Assistance, theirs different conceptions before and after the Federal Constitution of 1988. The second part presents the analysis and evaluation of the role and performance of the non governmental segment in CEAS/SC, their main conquest, limits and possibilities.

