Full protection and jurenile delinquency: a study in Santa Catarina


  • Marli Palma Souza



This article discusses the integral protection doctrine, adopted as a political option in the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, and in the country’s Children and Adolescents Statute (Law 8069/90). It examines the foundations of the doctrine in United Nations resolutions. Integral protection considers children and adolescents as subjects of rights and no longer as objects of protection and assistance by seeking to introduce a new democratic and emancipative reality. This subjectivity implies different ways of dealing with delinquency through the application of socioeducational measures. In order to challenge the best intentions of this innovative law, empirical data from studies conducted by state universities in Santa Catarina were analyzed, which helped to build a document called Analysis/diagnosis of the execution programs of socioeducational measures in Santa Catarina.

