Authoritarianism in Brazil today: bolsonarism in the circuits of ultraliberalism, militarism and reactionaryism
In this text, we analyze authoritarianism as a contemporary phenomenon, worldwide, expressing itself strongly in Brazil, within the framework of financialized capitalism. Based on the critical analysis of scholars on the Brazilian reality, we approach bolsonarism as an expression of authoritarianism in Brazil of the Present, constituted from the convergence of political-cultural reactionism, militarism and ultraliberalism. To this end, based on Carvalho (2019), we made a retreat in contemporary Brazilian history, until the 1990s, entering the paths of the country's adjustment to globalized capitalism. Based on this historical landmark, we discussed the predominance of practices aimed at financial adjustment, amid the clashes for democracy, with emphasis on the 2016 Coup and the election of Jair Messias Bolsonaro, the apex of the Coup. We support the thesis that Bolsonarism is a contemporary expression of authoritarianism in Brazil, constituting an analytical dilemma and a political challenge.
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