Mistaken Identity and critique of social entrepreneurship: the exploration of oppression





The objective is to reflect on how the unfolding of identity issues found fertile ground for social diffusion when combined with the ideology of entrepreneurship, as if the solution to oppressions passed through the dissemination of an alleged entrepreneurial spirit as a means of inclusion of social minorities that historically have struggled to sell and reproduce their workforce. Such practices culminated the so-called social entrepreneurship that encompasses variants such as black, favela, female entrepreneurship, among others, and which has been alluded by progressive sectors as an inclusive action to combat prejudice. Among the reflections, it is shown that it is the expression of the effective conjugation of capital when using
the oppression historically constituted to expand the exploitation and it is warned that disregarding the material conditions of existence, hiding the expansion of the exploitation of these populations, can become a trap that magnifies oppression, that
is the mistaken identity.

Author Biography

Janaynna de Moura Ferraz, UFRN

Doutora em Administração pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG).
Professora Permanente no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social (UFRN).


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