Art and Social Work: necessary aspects about being artistic
The purpose of this article is to present an analysis of the relationship between art and Social Work. The research is based on an interdisciplinary perspective and constituted in exploratory qualitative methodological procedures focusing on two rap lyrics: one by Dina Di (1976-2010), “Periferia é o target” and the other by Sabotage (1973-2003), “Rap is commitment” – these being important icons of Brazilian hip-hop culture –, also considering elements from other arts, as well as the author's artistic and academic-professional experience. Initially, a brief theoretical discussion on the history of art is presented. Next, an interdisciplinary dialogue on art. And, finally, an analysis of the formation, condition and expression of the artistic being. It was evident that art, in this case, peripheral art, rap, presents essential elements for Social Work, as it presents reflective contributions to reality and modes of critical positions based on territorial experiences.
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