Work and Productive Restructuring in Neoliberal Brazil – Precariousness of Work and Salary Redundancy


  • Giovanni Alves UNESP - Marília - SP



The purpose of this article is to analyze the social mutations that occur in the world of labor based on the neoliberal era in Brazil. It examines the precariousness of work as being an element that composes the new social metabolism that emerges with the productive restructuring of capital and the constitution of the neoliberal State. It presents as the objective causes of the increased precariousness of work the intensification and expansion of the exploitation and plundering of the labor force, the dismounting of labor collectives and of corporate-union resistance; as well as the social fragmentation in the cities due to the exacerbated growth of mass unemployment.

Author Biography

Giovanni Alves, UNESP - Marília - SP

Giovanni Alves é professor da UNESP-Marilia, livre-docente em teoria sociológica, pesquisador do CNPq com bolsa-produtividade desenvolvendo projeto de pesquisa intitulado "A Tessitura da Redundância - A experiência da precariedade e da precarização do trabalho no Brasil". É autor de vários livros e artigos na área de trabalho, sindicalismo e reestruturação produtiva. Home-page:

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.

