An Experience of Supervision in the Psycho-social Field: Theoretical and Practical Challenges


  • Vicente de Paula Faleiros UCB - Brasília - DF



This article looks at the relationship of the supervision of professionals in the psycho-social sector in the realm of the courts. Two paradigms are used for the analysis of the issues of psycho-social action: that of dispute and conflict, based on which the relationship between theory and practice is analyzed in the process of supervision as a self-education and exchange of knowledge from the perspective of the co-relation of forces. With this reference, supervision of the psycho-social sector in the Judicial Center for the Elderly was analyzed, revealing contradictions in the defense of rights, legal resolutions of social conflict and the inadequacy of public policies related to the elderly, as well as the symbolic weight of the omnipotence and impotence of social work in the Judiciary system.

Author Biography

Vicente de Paula Faleiros, UCB - Brasília - DF

Possui graduação em Direito pela Universidade de Franca (1966), graduação em Serviço Social pela Universidade de Ribeirão Preto (1966), doutorado - Université de Montreal (1984) e pós-doutorados pela EHESS - Escoila de Altos Estudos em Ciências Sociais- Paris (1991) e Université de Montréal (1996). Atualmente é pesquisador associado da UnB e professor da UCB/DF. Tem experiência na área de Políticas Públicas, Políticas Sociais e Serviço Social com ênfase nos seguintes temas: criança e adolescente, assistência social, saúde pública, previdência, regulação, teoria e metodologia do serviço social, velhice/gerontologia e violência.

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.

