Social Work, Decolonization of Non-Hegemonic Public Polices and Knowledge


  • Francisca Gómez Lechaptois Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.


This article reveals the primacy of the modern scientistic rationality that reduces and limits public political action, and shows the importance of the revival and visibilization of non hegemonic forms of knowledge that have been historically excluded from decision making processes involving public policies. It looks at the concept of “colonizing public policies” those that normatively support a hegemonic idea of development, and affirms the idea of a “decolonization of public policies” through the recovery and visualization of
the forms of knowledge that include suppressed realities, which are marginalized and or excluded. It thus reveals the support that Latin American thinking can have for this decolonization process and identifies some concrete challenges that emerge for Social Work from its connection with the decolonizing perspective of public policies.

Author Biography

Francisca Gómez Lechaptois, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Magister en Estudios Sociales y Políticos Latinoamericanos. Jefa del Departamento de Estudios de La Fundación Defensa del Niño (CODENI). Profesora de la Escuela de Trabajo Social de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC) y de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado (UAH).

