Biography and Scholarship. In Memory of Guenther Roth




Este ensaio faz um retrato da personalidade e da trajetória intelectual de Guenther Roth a partir da história da sua uma amizade com a autora, reflexões do sociólogo sobre a sua autobiografia, memórias e correspondências inéditas.


Luciana Villas Bôas, UFRJ

Faculdade de Letras, Literatura Comparada


ARENDT, H. & K. JASPERS. Briefwechel 1926-1969. 1 February 1933. Zurich: Piper, 1985, p. 52.

__________.Homenagem a Karl Jaspers. Trad. Luciana Villas Bôas. In: DUARTE, P. (Org. e trad.). Liberdade para ser livre. Rio de Janeiro, Bazar do tempo, 2018.

BENTON, T.H. America Today. Available at: “Heilbrun Timeline of Art History” at: Accessed 25 May 2020.

BYNUM, C.W. Docere verbo et exemplo. An Aspect of Twelfth Century Spirituality, Harvard Theological Papers, Missoula: Scholar’s Press, 1979.

Jesus as Mother. Studies in the Spirituality of the Late Middle Ages. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982.

____________. Fragmentation and Redemption. Essays of Gender and the Human Body in Medieval Religion. Cambridge MA and New York: MIT Press and Zone Books, 1992.

OAKES, G. Guenther Roth and Weber Studies in America. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, v.11, n.1, p. 175-179, 1997.

ROTH, G. Politische Herrschaft und persönliche Freiheit. Heidelberger Max Weber-Vorlesungen. Frankfurt a. M.:Suhrkamp, 1987.

________. Marianne Weber and Her Circle. In: ZOHN, H. (org. e trad.). Marianne Weber, Max Weber. A Biography. New Brunswick: Transaction Books, 1988, p. xv-lxi .

________. Partisanship and Scholarship. In: BERGER, B. (org.) Authors of Their Own Lives. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990, p. 383-409.

_______. Max Webers deutsch-englische Familiengeschichte 1800-1950. Mit Briefen und Dokumenten. Tübingen: 2001.




