Hannah Arendt and politics without compassion


  • Ricardo Luiz de Souza Centro Universitário de Sete Lagoas




According to Hannah Arendt, politics in contemporary society have undergone a process of degradation whose origins are associated with the advent of totalitarianism. My goal here is to study how this association has unfolded, and to examine how Arendt envisions the relation between political crisis and the rise of the masses, two phenomena that in her view are intimately related. Arendt’s political thought excludes the possibility of compassion within power relations and differentiates the world of work from the political sphere, building a theory that is conservative and aristocratic in nature and elaborating what can be called a “politics wiithout compassion.” Keywords: modernity, politics, labor.

Author Biography

Ricardo Luiz de Souza, Centro Universitário de Sete Lagoas

Possui graduação em Ciências Sociais - UFMG (1987), mestrado em Sociologia - UFMG (2001) e doutorado em História - UFMG (2006). Tem experiência na área de História do Brasil, com ênfase em Pensamento social brasileiro, atuando principalmente no seguinte tema: História da Cultura- Modernidade e Identidade Nacional




