Labor, development and nationalism: Current challenges from the structural periphery of the system


  • Maria Orlanda Pinassi Universidade Estadual Paulista



A century and a half after the first international experiences between ‘major’ and ‘minor’ nations, as they have been called in accordance with the level of capital accumulation observed in each category, we may conclude that the cult of progress and “useful” science will never be able to obtain truly universal results nor reverse a scenario that is much worse for some than for others. Quite to the contrary, inequalities initially taken as “accidental detours” or passing phenonena that can be overcome by the ‘merchants of equality’ are in fact social contradictions that are an inherently structural element of the hierarchical functioning of the system. Keywords: labor, nationalism, development, structural crisis, socialist transition.

Author Biography

Maria Orlanda Pinassi, Universidade Estadual Paulista

Professora livre-docente do Departamento de Sociologia, Faculdade de Ciências e Letras, UNESP, campus de Araraquara. Autora dos livros Três Devotos, uma Fé, Nenhum Milagre (Editora UNESP, 1998) e Da Miséria Ideológica à Crise Estrutural do Capital: uma Reconciliação Histórica (Boitempo Editorial, no prelo). Membro do comitê de redação da revista Margem Esquerda.





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