Plural economics and territorial development from the perspective of sustainable development: theoretical elements of an economic sociology and a socio-economics.


  • Benoît Lévesque Universidade do Quebec em Montreal (UQÀM)



This text focuses on the contribution that the concept of plural economics is able to make today toward the advancement of research on the viability of territorial dynamics for sustainable development. The first part of our line of argumentation is centered on clarifying the concept of plural economics, based on studies on economic and social solidarity and on proposals emerging from the New Economic Sociology and the socio-economics of territories. In the second part, the concept of sustainable development is characterized from the angle of the so-called societal paradigm and its interactions with territory and with a plural and social economics. Aligned with the critique of the premises of neo-classical economics, the author accepts the need to re-connect the economy to a broader social and ecological perspective and to seek more effective answers to the challenges raised by the planetary socio-environmental crisis.. Keywords: Sustainable territorial development, plural economics, New Economic Sociology, economics of solidarity, ecological economics.

Author Biography

Benoît Lévesque, Universidade do Quebec em Montreal (UQÀM)

Professor titular associado vinculado à Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (ÉNAP) e à Universidade do Quebec em Montreal (UQÀM).





Thematic Dossier