The right to termination of pregnancy of anencephalic fetus: voices and discursive logic present in ADPF 54


  • Milka Alves Correia Barbosa Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco
  • Vinícius Farias Moreira Universidade Federal de Campina Grande



In this paper we sought to analyze the logic of the political debates surrounding the Claim of Breach of Fundamental Precept 54 (ADPF 54), which transferred to the woman's decision by continuity or termination of pregnancy of anencephalic fetus. We used a Discourse Theory of Laclau and Mouffe to identify speeches, joints, nodal points and the groups involved in the debate. Thus, we carefully analyzed the speeches transcribed by shorthand notes available on the website of the Supreme Court dealing with the four public hearings. It was found that religious entities, state, civil society and scientific community had elements of persuasion around the cause that showed two antagonistic ways. Equivalence chains were formed by actors who could possibly be in antagonistic positions, but the debate on ADPF54 approached contingently. The debates around 54 ADPF go beyond religious and scientific arguments: the logical discourse reflected the political positions and ideologies of social groups involved.




