Moderate methodological holism: a Weberian interpretation of the macro-micro-macro model


  • Gert Albert Universidade de Heidelberg



This paper focusses on an unarticulated tendency of Weberian sociology to examine action

and order equitable. The methodological position of moderate holism seems to be adequate for
the Weber-paradigm. Moderate methodological holism encompasses a holistic ontology and the
individualistic macro-micro-macro-model of explanation. In detail it is different of Hartmut Esser’s version of this model. On the basis of emergence-theoretical thinking moderate methodological holism is distinguished from three other methodological positions. It is demonstrated that moderate methodological holism is the background for adequate models of explanation of Weber’s protestant ethic and his sociology of domination. It is shown that every action-theory in the Weberian sense has a holistic orientation based on the principle “reasons as causes”. The holistic orientation should be hold as regards the macro-level of order, too. This version of the Weber-paradigm has a historical and empirical orientation for ontological reasons.

Author Biography

Gert Albert, Universidade de Heidelberg

Doutor e Livre Docente em Sociologia pela Universidade de Heidelberg e professor da Universidade das Forças Armadas (Munique). Coordenador da coleção “Estudos para um paradigma weberiano da VS Editora de Wiesbaden (Alemanha).





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