Cooperation and conflict in the relationship of social movements and State
The article analyzes the reconfiguration of the relationship between social movements and state in the Brazilian context post 1990, and its institutional effects on collective action. The socioestatais interactions are examined by the comparative method applied to four social movements organizations in state of Espírito Santo along three decades (1980-2010), through qualitative and quantitative methods: Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Serra (Fams), Popular Council of Vitória (CPV), Center for the Defense of Human Rights of Serra (CDDH)and Association of Environmental Protection (Acapema). Contrary to dichotomous views of the relationship between civil society and the state, the study identifies a heterogeneity of interrelationships in terms of cooperation, conflict and autonomy. The analysis establishes correlations between socioestatal interaction patterns and the institutional effects, be it of the engagement in participatory institutions or of the connections with institutions in the genesis of the movement.
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