Multiple secularizations: The sociology of religion in the globalization era


  • Carlos Eduardo Sell Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



The weberian theorem of secularization it is currently criticized for reproducing assumptions coming from modernization theories that suppose an unilinear transition from the tradicional to modern. Based on the idea of unity and variation developed by Shmuel Einsenstadt, this article discusses the possibilities of updating the concept faced with a backdrop of globalization and the multiplicity of modernity. After demonstrating that in Max Weber the subject is already treated in a multidimensional way, it revises up the debate on secularization in the sociology of religion. In the final part, it critically discusses three different ways of updating the theme of secularization: a) multiplicity of pathways of secularization, b) multiple secularisms c) multiple secularities. Focusing on macrosociologic theories, the general purpose of the text is to integrate the concept of secularization in the discussion of the nature and diversity of modernity in present times.

Author Biography

Carlos Eduardo Sell, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Doutor em Sociologia Política e professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia Política da UFSC
(Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina).





Thematic Dossier