The processes of politicization


  • Jacques Lagroye Université de Paris I



The article discusses the processes of politicization of the social space as a major phenomenon in the making of politics in the West, which implied the emergence of different orders of specialized activities that have historically differentiated one from another and institutionalized. The analysis points out several ways in which other social spheres are requalified in political terms by certain actors in a process of transgression and mixing between fields or sectors of society. Since it appears as a transgression of the fundamental differentiation of these orders, or spaces of activities, and of the categories that allow them to be classified, politicization happens to provoke an intense work of legitimation, which requires the possible convergence of the objectives of actors who, nevertheless, incarnate differentiated roles.

Author Biography

Jacques Lagroye, Université de Paris I

Jacques Lagroye (1936-2009) was the founder and director of Centre de Recherches de la Politique de la Sorbonne (CRPS), Université de Paris I.


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