University consecration, symbolic capitals and financial positions: The study of the profile of production engineers at the Polytechnic University of São Paulo


  • Thais Joi Martins UFRB
  • Julio Cesar Donadone UFSCar



The main objective of this article is to highlight the analysis of symbolic capital, tastes and lifestyles of production engineers (students and ex students) of the Polytechnic University of São Paulo (USP). We will enjoy this article through the qualitative methodology and consequent use of semi-structured interviews, the proposition that the symbolic markers aforementioned direct these engineers (managers) for positions in the finance world, as such, financial consulting and financial market. In short terms, we can see that, there are homologies with respect to the mentioned symbolic markers and the occupation of these engineers in recent prominent positions. Beyond the previous observation, it should be mentioned that these heralds of finance are just the new agents that are mediating and feeding dynamics and power plays within the current financial capitalism.

Author Biographies

Thais Joi Martins, UFRB

Doutora em Ciência Política pela UFSCar. Professora na Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB).

Julio Cesar Donadone, UFSCar

Doutor em Engenharia de Produção pela USP. Professor na Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar).


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