The work of independent translators in France and Brazil: dimensions and ambivalences of autonomy


  • Cinara Lerrer Rosenfield PPG Sociologia UFRGS
  • Olivier Giraud UMR Lise - CNRS



This article presents the results of an empirical analysis of the perception of autonomy at work among independent translators in two countries: France and Brazil. Our aim is to speculate whether the autonomy and independence of translators, apart from being a real process – previously noted in the literature – of fragilization and precariousness, could be considered a mutation of the value of labor in modern capitalist societies. The concept of autonomy is discussed, and then an analytical framework is constructed for examining the perception of autonomy at work relating to three dimensions: 1) operational; 2) identitary; and 3) social. The translation markets and their professional regulations in both countries are presented. Then, based on the developed framework, we carry out an analysis of the in-depth interviews conducted with the translation professionals in Brazil and in France. The results are presented at the end of the article, giving rise to a reflection on the perceptions of autonomy in the contemporary context of labor activities, from a perspective inspired by Axel Honneth’s theoretical work.

Author Biographies

Cinara Lerrer Rosenfield, PPG Sociologia UFRGS

Professora Titular do Departamento e da Pós-graduação de Sociologia da UFRGS. Doutora pela Université Paris Dauphine, estágio Pós-Doutoral Na Universidade Técnica de Lisboa - Laboratório SOCIUS. Pesquisadora CNPq e coordenadora do grupo de pesquisa Trabalho e Justiça Social (JusT).

Olivier Giraud, UMR Lise - CNRS

Pesquisador CNRS na UMR Lise - CNRS, Cnam, França. Doutor em Ciência Política pela IEP Grenoble, especialista de análise comparada da ação pública.





Thematic Dossier