Recognition or Redistribution: What the debate between Honneth and Fraser says about social struggles and vice versa


  • Paulo Sérgio da Costa Neves UFABC



In this paper, we seek to revisit the debate between Honneth and Fraser about the concepts of recognition and redistribution under two different perspectives. On the one hand, we will try to verify the echoes and the consequences of this discussion in the works of these two authors after the book-debate of 2003. Thus, if it is true that the central divergences between them remained, it is also a fact that there was an approximation between their ways of conceiving the sources of injustice in contemporary societies. On the other hand, in the spirit of critical theory, that both Honneth and Fraser claim inheritance, we will try to discuss how this debate dialogues with the recent trends of the black movement, showing by this way that this debate is both theoretical and political.

Author Biography

Paulo Sérgio da Costa Neves, UFABC

Professor Titular da Universidade Federal do ABC e professor colaborador do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia da Universidade Federal de Sergipe


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Thematic Dossier