Alternative agrifood networks and critical consumption: the case of organic markets in Porto Alegre
The last four decades coincide with the appearance of what has been called "alternative agri-food networks". Numerous scandals, widespread uncertainty and the search for healthier foods are highlighted in a broader movement called "turn of quality," where the idea of quality goes beyond the product's strict and tangible attributes. The organic fairs of Porto Alegre are part of the transformations that affect the world of food in general. The focus of the study is to elucidate the circumstances that contributed to its emergence, as well as the mutations that this local supply system has experienced since its inception. The research seeks to show that organic fairs consist of a unique social space where they operate much more than food buying and selling operations. Nonetheless, there are challenges in relation to the future, especially the developments arising from the increase in demand and the risk of conventionalization.
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