The cause of science


  • Pierre Bourdieu College de France



The field ofthesocial sciences stands apart from other scientific fields insofar as every specialist is competing not only with other scholars but with the lot of social agents anxious to impose their own view of society. As such it is crossed by two conflicting logics, that of the political field and that of the scientific field, which command contradictory principies of hierarchy. The author shows how a social science whose object is its own functioning can provide the principies for a scientific Realpolitik whose objective is the progress of scientific reason. These principies partake of epistemology and the sociology of fields of production, when they favor a comparison of points of view which perceive themselves as such in the awareness of the social determinants of their differences.They also concern the transformation of the social organization of scientific production and circulation on both a national and international scale, in the sense of a " working dissensus" based on the criticai recognition of explicit compatibilities and incompatibilities established not socially but scientifically.

Author Biography

Pierre Bourdieu, College de France

Publicado em Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, n. 106-107, de março de 1995, este texto retoma alguns temas de uma comunicação apresentada em 1989 no Colóquio de Chicago sobre "Social Theory and Emerging Issues in a Changing Society", publicada sob o título "Epilogue: On the Possibility of a Field of World Sociology", in P. Bourdieu e J. Coleman (ed.), Social Theory for a Changing Society, Boulder-San Francisco-Oxford, Westview Press, New York, Russell Sage Foundation, 1991.A presente tradução foi feita por Gabriel Femandes, doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia Política da UFSC e revisada por Tamara Benakouche, professora do mesmo Programa. A publicação foi autorizada por Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, pelo que agradecemos.




