The people's enemy


  • Vicente Palermo Universidad de Buenos Aires



The present essay has two intentions. The first one consists of developing some interpretations about the current Argentine crisis, both from a historical as well as from a politologic point ofview. The second one is to formulate and develop some arguments that support the political action in moments in which the Argentine political penury is as or more extreme than any of its many others. With that aim, some of the historical roots of the crisis are discussed, the nature of the present problems and, in a hirschmanian perspective, the possibilities of constructive action. An aim of the text is to question most of the common sense interpretations present currently in the Argentine public opinion.

Author Biography

Vicente Palermo, Universidad de Buenos Aires

uenos Aires, 1951. Cientista político e ensaísta, sociólogo pela Universidad de Buenos Aires e doutor em ciência política pela Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Morou na Espanha, no Brasil e na Itália, e é pesquisador independente do CONICET (Argentina) e do Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Dedica-se a questões de política latino-americana comparada e de política e história argentina recentes, e é autor de vários livros e numerosos artigos sobre estes temas. Pertence ao Club de Cultura Socialista (Buenos Aires), à Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Político e à Associação Brasileira de Ciência Política. É Guggenheim 2006 Fellowship.




