Partisan realignments in the state of Rio de Janeiro (1982-2018)
This paper investigates the ongoing party realignment process in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The article studies the parties of the governors and senators elected by direct vote in Rio de Janeiro between 1982 and 2018. Besides the governors, the article studies the parties elected for the
Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro (ALERJ) and for the Chamber of Deputies throughout that period. The research confirmed the hypothesis of the recent party realignment in
Rio de Janeiro and identified that with the electoral decline of brizolismo and with the arrest of the main local leaders of the PMDB since 2016, the traditional political center of the state – PDT by the center-left and PMDB by center-right – imploded and new parties from the extremes of the political spectrum emerged as PSL, PRB and PSC on the right, and PSOL on the left.
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