For an inclusive school or a necessary subversion of hegemonic (psycho)pedagogical discourse
In order to inquire about the functioning and status of the implementation of the “inclusive
school”, the text presents and develops the notion of (psycho)pedagogical illusion. This
is considered a key part of the naturalizing pedagogical ideal. Thus, it is claimed that the old pedagogical naturalism that established an essential difference between “normal” and “abnormal” – enough for them to be prevented from going to ordinary schools –, today, paradoxically gives rise to the idea of “special educational needs”, proposed by the Salamanca Statement (1994). This notion gives scope, in turn, for the practices of “diagnosing” and “labeling” children. Such a gesture, particularly widespread in Brazil, impoverishes the school experience of children, condemning them to the condition of “excluded from within”. It is proposed, then, in the context of psychoanalytic studies in education, the epistemological subversion of the naturalizing ideal, responsible for the obstacles imposed on the event of a worthy education.
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