The sociology of education of Max Weber: the clinamen in pedagogical practice




This article consists, essentially, of an analysis of Max Weber’s thinking, in order to seek a
possible contribution in the field of education on present. When expose his comprehension about
the rationalization process, having on bureaucracy as one of its most striking manifestations,
Weber understands human actions as constituted by a permanent tension. There would not be a
meaning in the world, with universal validity, that could guide existence. In this aspect, education
needs to acquire another meaning, that is, an education that does the clinamen emerge and
revive, introducing on determinist mechanism the space of liberation, which consists in breaking
the inherent determinism in any objective situation and, in a deviant way, to promove aperture
for the exercise of autonomy. If to the teacher belongs the obligation to provide some hope for
the life of his students, it must be established from the recognition of the agonistic character of
existence. To do in this way, is guarantee integrity and intellectual freedom.

Author Biography

Alonso Bezerra Carvalho, Unesp

Departamento de Didática e Programa de Pós-Graduação - Unesp/Marília


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Thematic Dossier