Political career and party system in Brazil: entropy or reconfiguration?

entropia ou reconfiguração?





Political career, Party system, Political capital, New information and communication technologies, Far right


The article discusses the changes in the profile of the elected in Brazil in 2018, in the light of previous elections. Although the political career in Brazil is described as “porous” and the party system is admittedly malleable, a change in the magnitude of that which occurred in the last election is unprecedented. Data relating to federal deputies, senators and governors are analyzed, observing issues such as prior political experience and possession of different types of political resources, such as family capital, visibility in the media, links with organized religion and participation in trade unionism. The disorganization of the political dispute since the 2016 coup, with the growth of the “anti-political” discourse of the far right, and the new communicative circuits opened by the new information and communication technologies are the main explanatory factors of the result of 2018.


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