Time in social movements


  • Angela Randolpho Paiva PUC-Rio
  • Taísa Sanches IPPUR/UFRJ




Social movements, Temporalities, Subjectivities, Opportunities, Theory


Over the years, the interpretive schools of social movements have created categories that have a fundamental key over time, but it is specifically underdeveloped. This article aims to explore how the category can be used in the analysis of social movements, based on a review of the bibliography and the connection of works already developed about two contemporary social movements - the Movimento Negro Unificado and the Movimento dos Trabalhadores without Teto. The dimension of temporality appears in the various interpretive schools and is illuminated from the empirical cases analyzed.

Author Biography

Angela Randolpho Paiva, PUC-Rio

Associate Professor of the Graduate Program in Social Sciences (PPGCIS) at the Department of Social Sciences at PUC-Rio


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