The Inseparability of Physics and World View according to Paul K. Feyerabend


  • Rafael Velloso UERJ
  • Antonio Augusto Passos



Feyerabend, World View, Quantum Mechanics, Classical Physics, Attitude, Comprehensibility


Paul Feyerabend, between 1948 and 1970, discussed several issues concerning quantum mechanics: the measurement problem, the complementarity and the “cut” between the macro and micro regime, were some of the most studied subjects. Since his first academic works, it is possible to identify aspects that will be important to him throughout his life, such as the relationship between physical knowledge and worldviews. Based on a reconstruction of his thought (between 1948 and 1970), this article seeks to understand how his criticisms of quantum mechanics led him to argue that classical physics is more fundamental than quantum mechanics, not the opposite, in addition to discuss the relationship between physical knowledge and worldview, something that, for Feyerabend, is inseparable.


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