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Lista de comprobación para la preparación de envíos

Como parte del proceso de envío, los autores/as están obligados a comprobar que su envío cumpla todos los elementos que se muestran a continuación. Se devolverán a los autores/as aquellos envíos que no cumplan estas directrices.
  • El trabajo fue escrito en uno de estos idiomas: portugués, inglés o español.
  • El trabajo se ajusta al perfil de Principia.
  • El trabajo es inédito y no ha sido enviado simultáneamente a otras revistas.
  • El archivo adjunto no contiene referencias al autor (incluso en las notas y referencias bibliográficas).
  • Todos los metadatos (resumen, palabras clave, abstract, keywords, datos de autor, referencias, etc.) se completarán inmediatamente después de enviar el archivo con el trabajo.
  • El trabajo cumple con el estándar de referencias, citas, subdivisión de secciones, notas, etc., adoptado por Principia (ver Directrices para Autores/as).

Directrices para autores/as

A. Criteria

Papers submitted for evaluation and possible publication in the journal Principia will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

1. Originality: The paper must be original or at least partially original;

2. Significance: The paper should represent an important contribution and to be of significant interest to the area;

3. Development: the paper should be very well or acceptably developed and comply with the objective proposed;

4. Clarity: the paper must have clarity of ideas and not have unclear or questionable passages;

5. Language: The paper should be written correctly, in accordance with the Standard rules of the chosen language (English, Portuguese or Spanish);

6. References: the paper's bibliography should be updated and contain relevant titles of books and articles.

All these criteria are observed by the evaluators when they complete the evaluation form. The evaluators may make additional comments on these and other aspects of evaluated paper.


B. Format

1. Your article must have a title.

2. Your article must have an abstract and 4 to 6 keywords.

-- The abstract must not have more than 250 words.

-- If you are submitting to the sections “Book Reviews” or “Notes/Discussions”, an abstract is not necessary. You may just write “This is a review of [full reference of the book]” or “This is a note on [topic]” or another similar formulation.

3. If your article is not written in English, it must also have a title, an abstract, and 4 to 6 keywords in English.

4. Principia does not prescribe a word limit, but as a rule of thumb articles should be between 3000 and 12000 words long.

5. You may divide your article into sections. In doing that, please choose one of the two possibilities below:

a) If the sections are titled, they should be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. If there are subsections, they should be numbered 1.1 (and then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ...), 1.2, etc.

b) If the sections are not titled, they should be numbered I, II, III, IV, etc.

-- Abstract, keywords, and the sections for acknowledgments and references should not be numbered.

6. Principia uses endnotes instead of footnotes. So please consider that notes are going to redirect the reader to another page. Thus, notes should not be too long and they should only bring strictly necessary information. Notes should not be used for references.

7. If you have acknowledgments to make (funding agencies, grants, collaborators, people who helped in language check, etc.), please do it in a separate section, just before the References.

Attention: include the acknowledgments only in versions of your text that will not be submitted to blind review. That is, acknowledgments should only appear in the final version of your article.

8. Your article must have a section of References at the end.

-- Book Reviews should preferably not contain citations to any publications other than the book under review.

8.1. Make sure that all references mentioned in the References section are cited in the text, and vice versa.

8.2. The “Author date” system must be used.

8.3. References should not be put in notes.

8.4. Reference calls in the text should be like this:

Considering that Kuhn (1970) has argued that…

Considering that Kuhn (1970, p.85-9) has argued that…

Considering that Kuhn (1970, Chapter 3) has argued that…

In the beginning, paradigms are just a promise of success that transpires in incomplete examples (Kuhn 1970, p.85-6).

that the success of a paradigm “is at the start largely a promise of success discoverable in selected and still incomplete examples” (Kuhn 1970, p.85-6).

-- If the quoted passage is longer than three lines, it should be detached from the text.

8.4.1. Some authors are traditionally quoted differently and you may do it accordingly. For example:

(Peirce CP 7.565)

(Aristotle Phys. 218a8-30)

-- In cases like this, a note must be inserted after the first occurrence and the reference system is to be explained. If abbreviations are used, they must be specified in the References section (see examples in 8.5.5 and in 8.5.2).

8.4.2. If the date of the original publication is relevant, it can be given in square brackets after the date of the mentioned publication. For example:

(Carnap 2003 [1928], p.209-11)

8.4.3. If reference is made to a publication by two authors or editors:

(Morgan & Morrison 1999)

(Galison & Stump 1996)

8.4.4. If reference is made to a publication by three authors or editors:

(Neurath; Carnap; Morris 1970)

8.4.5. If reference is made to a publication written by more than three authors or editors:

(Fromkin et al. 1974, p.99-100)

-- The information of all the authors must be included in the section of References (see example in 8.5.4).

8.5. In the References section at the end of the article:

  • Items in the References section must be in the alphabetical order of author’s last name. Items of the same author must be in chronological order. The author’s name should be repeated in each item (do not use “___.”).

  • The original publication date, if used in the article, must be included in square brackets after the date of the mentioned publication.

  • Information on edition, translation, access, etc. should be written in the language of your article.

  • Some (non-exhaustive) examples are below:

8.5.1. Books:

Feyerabend, P. 1993. Against Method. 3rd Edition. London: Verso.

8.5.2. Articles or chapters in collections by the same author:

Carnap, R. 2003 [1928]. The Logical Structure of the World [Aufbau]. In: The Logical Structure of the World and Pseudoproblems in Philosophy, p.1-300. Trans. R. A. George. Chicago & La Salle: Open Court.

Kuhn, T. S. 2000 [1991]. The Natural and the Human Sciences. In: The Road Since Structure, p.216-23. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

8.5.3. Articles or chapters in collections by editor different from author:

Hacking, I. 1996. The Disunities of the Sciences. In: P. Galison & D. Stump (ed.), The Disunity of Science, p.37-74. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Kuhn, T. S. 1970. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 2nd Edition. In: O. Neurath; R. Carnap; C. W. Morris (ed.), Foundations of the Unity of Science: Towards an International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, vol. 2, p.53-272. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

8.5.4. Articles in journals:

Fromkin, V.; Krashen, S.; Curtiss, S.; Rigler, D.; Rigler, M. 1974. The Development of Language in Genie: a Case of Language Acquisition beyond the “Critical Period”. Brain and Language 1(1): 81-107.

Putnam, H. 1973. Meaning and Reference. The Journal of Philosophy 70(19): 699-711.

-- Use Volume(Number): page-page.

8.5.5. Translated items:

Aristotle. 2017. Physics [Phys.]. Trans. R. P. Hardie & R. K. Gaye. Mineola: Dover.

-- If relevant, the original title, as well as the original publishing date, may be given in square brackets:

Feyerabend, P. 2003. Contra o Método. 3a Edição. Trad. C. A. Mortari [Against Method]. São Paulo: Unesp.

Feyerabend, P. 2005 [1960]. El problema de la existencia de las entidades teóricas. Trad. F. T. Molina [Das Problem der Existenz theoretischen Entitäten]. Scientiae Studia 3(2): 277-312.

8.5.6. Online documents:

Oberheim, E. & Hoyningen-Huene, P. 2013. The Incommensurability of Scientific Theories. In: E. N. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Winter 2016 Edition. https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2016/entries/incommensurability/. Access: 30.04.2018.

-- The URL and the date of access must be given. Use the day.month.year format.

8.6. Self-reference: If you need to reference your own work, you must take some precautions to ensure blind review. This can be done in one of two ways:

(a) by replacing the reference by “xxxxx” or “Author, date1” or another code; do not forget to erase the title of referenced work in the references section at the end of the paper as well.

(b) by hiding your identity: instead of writing as I argued in MyName (2020)..., write as MyName (2020) argues...” or another similar formulation. Choose the strategy that not only suits best your self-reference needs, but also that warrants blind review more adequately.

9. If your manuscript contains figures that have already been published elsewhere, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format. Please be aware that some publishers do not grant electronic rights for free and that Principia will not refund any costs. In such cases, material from a different source should be used.

9.1. Please include a descriptive caption for each figure used in you manuscript.

9.2. You may upload each figure through our system. EPS and PDF are the preferred formats, but JPG with a definition of at least 300 dpi is also acceptable.




If you have any doubt or concern, or if your article presents a case that these guidelines do not cover, please contact us (principia@contato.ufsc.br or ivan.fc@ufsc.br).

Special Issue: The Logical Alien

This special issue is co-edited by Marcos Silva (UFPE/CNPq) and Luiz H. Santos (PUC-Rio) under the supervision of Principia's editorial team.

Check the call for papers in our announcements section.

For any doubts, please contact: marcossilvarj@gmail.com with a copy to luizh.filo@gmail.com

Special Issue: Models and Modeling in the Sciences

This is the section for the 12th Principia International Symposium

Special Issue: 13th Principia International Symposium

This is a special issue with papers presented at the 13th Principia International Symposium (2023)

Declaración de privacidad

Los nombres personales y direcciones de correo introducidos en esta revista servirán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por este periódico y no estarán disponibles para otros fines o terceros.