Knowledge without Value?


  • Felipe Rocha L. Santos Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



The value problem is the problem that arises from the following reasoning: if both the knowledge and mere true belief are equally useful, then for what reason knowledge is more valuable than mere true belief. Despite being formulated initially in Plato’s Meno dialogue, the value problem seems to have received little attention since. In contemporary epistemology, the value problem became central, requiring that any good theory of knowledge should be able to explain the value of knowledge in order to be a good theory of knowledge. Recently, new demands to the value of problem arise, demanding that it should be explained not only the reason why knowledge is more valuable, but also the reason why knowledge has final value. In this paper, two answers to the value problem that have been made recently are analyzed, namely the reliabilist solution and the virtue epistemology solution, and I will conclude that both solutions fail to explain the final value of knowledge.

Author Biography

Felipe Rocha L. Santos, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – UNAM, MÉXICO




