Teorias de alcance intermediário, prática científica e metateoria estruturalista





The present work is immersed in the context of the contemporary philosophy of science, especially of the semanticist philosophy of the structuralist metatheory. Objectively, the work aims to reestablish the dialogue between the general philosophy of science and the special philosophy developed by scientists concerned with the fundamentals of their discipline, in this case, with sociologists. After presenting the Mertonian notion of middle range theory, the conception of theory that offers ME and, from that conception, a way of conceiving both global intertheoretical relations and intertheoretical change will be presented. Finally, the analysis of the use of the notion of middle range theory in scientific practice will be made, analyzing the specific case of sociological research about organizations.

Biografia do Autor

Cláudio Abreu, Universidade de São Paulo, USP>

Doctor in Philosophy and History of Science (National University of Tres de Febrero-UNTREF, Buenos Aires, 2014).Master’s in Philosophy (Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná-PUCPR, Curitiba, 2006). Degree in Philosophy (Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná-PUCPR, Curitiba, 2003)


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