A interpretação externalista de Kant


  • André Klaudat Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul




The externalist interpretation of Kant allows for a ratumal reconstruction of what is fundamental to transcendental idealism: action. Kant resorts to action several times in the Critique of Pure Reason. The very notion of "synthesis," which plays a vital role in his philosophy, is presented as a Handlung. The externalist interpretation endeavours to expiam what Kant means by action in those contexts so as to make philosophical sense of Kant's thought and at the same time to prevent it from being turned into a flawed internalism. Whereas internalism struggles to present synthesis as a mental act that is as private as thinking quietly, or even as an unconscious activity, externalism shows that, according to Kant, human knowledge depends on the ability to carry out observable actions that involve human body in a very particular way. In this article, externalism will be vindiicated in relaticm to (1) the foundations of Kant's conception of figurative synthesis of transcendental imagmation, and (2) the nature of transcendental esquemata in his critical speculative philosophy.

Biografia do Autor

André Klaudat, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Possui graduação em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1985), mestrado em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1991) e doutorado em Filosofia - University College London (1996). Atualmente é professor adjunto da UFRGS, atuando na graduação e no programa de pós-graduação, especialmente em cursos sobre Hume, Kant e Filosofia da Mente.





