Affects in the Political Engagement in the Brazilian Marchas das Vadias (2011-2017)




The affects that cross bodies are both shaped by and capable of shaping political and social structures and practices (Sara AHMED, 2015). Emotions such as pain and indignation, felt by feminist subjects in the face of oppression and inequality, can both transform and be transformed into collective spaces of struggle, giving rise to hope, belonging and strength in the contact between bodies and subjectivities. Through the analysis of interviews with organizers of Marchas das Vadias in five Brazilian capitals, this article aims to analyze the role of emotions and affects in the engagement of activists with the feminism of the MdV, considered mobilizations that put the feminist claims back in the streets from the second decade of the 21st century.


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How to Cite

Guzzo, M., & Scheibe Wolff, C. (2020). Affects in the Political Engagement in the Brazilian Marchas das Vadias (2011-2017). Revista Estudos Feministas, 28(2).



Seção Temática Feminismos, Afecto y Política

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