Race and Gender in The Course of Lives of Quilombolas Women
This text aims to analyze how a group of women from the Quilombo Community Mato do Tição, located in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, mobilizes elements for the construction of the referent “quilombola women” in the construction of their identities. For this purpose, the analysis goes through some reflections over the practices and discourses from where black women came to be quilombolas and how the category gender is linked to the category quilombola. This present work was based on an ethnography study of the five most active women in the quilombo carried out through observed participation, interviews and guided chats. It is shown that the group of women who had been studied as agents of their own culture are producing different meanings over their own ethnic and cultural identity and gender as well, in the public and private sphere by means of discourses based on tradition and ancestry.
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